I Moved To Oaxaca

Sunday, August 24, 2003

Okay, I finally figured out how to post photos. What a genius! While I go back and embed photos, here are a bunch of photos to amuse you in the meantime:

a hibiscus from the first place we stayed in Oaxaca, the Posada de Chencho

a dog watching the Gueleguetza parade

Me at Monte Alban

can't get away from Winnie

And how's this for some anti-war sentiment?

It's Sunday, and after we're done here (Greg is also uploading text and photos to his site: check it out!) I'm going to the supermarket for milk and cereal and vinegar (for some homemade pickled jalapenos), then making some calls about apartments/houses for rent. Yes, we are panicking about the cost of the place we've agreed to rent. $4200 is a lot per month, especially since without our FM-3 visas, we are paid per class, and we're only working about 18 hours a week each. Oh, and we do plan to see the museum associated with Santo Domingo since it is open today, and Greg wants to find this little Spanish book on Mitla Ivan said we might find there.

I got an e-mail from an old high-school friend asking whether or not I'm going to the reunion this October. Oh, if wishes were fishes I'd pan-fry me some up right quick. Maybe if the gods and goddesses of online budget travel are with me, I can combine a trip to LA for the reunion Oct. 4 with a swing through Dallas to pick up Miss Izzy. I miss her like crazy. I wake up thinking about her. I'm still weighing if it's cheaper enough to drive up there, and whether flying with an angry cat or driving with an angry cat would be better. If I drove I could get my bike and a shitload of Simply Green cat litter (pun definitely intended). But maybe I could ship my bike in its bike box and take some cat litter and peanut butter in my suitcase. Argh.

Speaking of "argh," Greg and I go back to Immigration on Wednesday. We have the forms from our last visit, which we must fill out using a typewriter -- oh, how those high-school business class skills come flooding back! -- so we have to track down one of those. We also have to have our translated documents, courtesy of Adam at Berlitz, formatted to look just like the real thing. So a begrudging thank you to Microsoft as well for Word's table functions. Greg's getting it to look pretty good. (For those who might wonder, why is Greg doing the formatting, I could do it on my Mac ... then redo it after popping the document onto the PCs at school; might as well do it on the PC from the get-go.) We also still have to send off the forms to have our documents certified as the real deal. For Greg's New College degree, no problem as it's in California. But our CELTA certificates were issued in Cambridge, and I'm not talking MA. That might take some time.

A photographer was at Berlitz yesterday morning to take photos of Greg and I -- "for our paperwork," Patricia said -- and I wonder if he captured the frantic look in our eyes. I had 11 kids yesterday, and five of Greg's six teenage students responded to "Why do you want to learn English?" with "Because my mother wants me to." Mmm, mmm.


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