I Moved To Oaxaca

Wednesday, January 07, 2004

Buenos tardes, everyone. Greg, Izzy and I are back in Oaxaca.

Before I go into stories about our visit to San Francisco, Mexia, and 15 hours travelling with a cat, I want to add a postscript to my Wed Dec 31 post:

Basically, Monday night I worked out with my karate dojo for what feels like the last time and I put myself into a real funk which was still going on Wednesday night. But shortly after that post my friends took me out for a Niman Ranch cheeseburger, fries, and a shake and who wouldn't feel better with a belly full of grease? So here's what I think now. That not knowing what the hell I'm doing and experiencing the occasional angsty moment because of that is a small price to pay for leading an unconventional life, because I surely would be unhappy all the time if I lead a conventional one. So I'm not going to worry about it, and just wait for those fabulous random encounters to help guide me on my way.

Feliz Año Nuevo!


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